We headed to the Circus Maximus, where there were giant screens set up so that people could watch the ceremony. Needless to say, it was also packed to the brim.
Pope Benedict's Homily: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/homilies/2011/documents/hf_ben-xvi_hom_20110501_beatificazione-gpii_en.html
The nun who had prayed to JPII and was cured of her Parkinson's disease, his first miracle, processed the first relic up to Benedict, who blessed it and her. She then brought the small vial of blood to a small altar, where she, along with millions of pilgrims, became the first to venerate it. It was a special moment, the look on Benedict’s face, of pure joy and awe, is something I will never forget. To be able to see your dear friend and mentor beatified, and to get to witness and preside over the ceremony is a uniquely incredible occasion. The people, who had all loved and lost and been touched in some way by the life and spirit of John Paul II, were simply ecstatic to be together, honoring the life of an extraordinarily holy and humble man. A truly special day, a moment to remember.
Blessed John Paul II, pray for us!
And we all say "AMEN"...