Thursday, March 24, 2011


Risotto Cimette di rape

Roughly chop onion, garlic and broccoli rabe, or any leafy green
Saute onion in plenty of olive oil until slightly transparent
Add a handful of risotto per person, plus one extra handful
Coat thoroughly in olive oil, then begin adding white wine, a little at a time, probably half a bottle
Wait until the moisture has been absorbed before adding more
After enough wine has been added, switch to water or vegetable stock
Repeat for about twenty minutes, or until risotto is tender, stirring constantly
About halfway through moisture process, add the chopped garlic and greens
Before serving, remove from flame and add a few tablespoons butter, stir well and let set for a few minutes. Serve hot and enjoy!

Chris and Catie making our risotto...absolutely delicious.

1 comment:

  1. when you next visit texas, will you please come and cook this for us in the new kitchen...
