Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today we bottled the wine! We put up 3000 bottles of the blonde pinot noir, Lyncurio. It was so much fun! The actual process felt a little like a mix of Chaplin’s Modern World, the episode of I Love Lucy with the chocolate assembly line, and a wild west shootout. We took turns at the various duties; bringing the empty bottles to the bottling area, manning the bottler and corker, and placing the full and corked bottles in pallets to settle.

The Lyncurio is special because it is a white wine made from grapes typically used for red wine.

Charlotte making executive decisions

 Uran and Ervelina

Catie at the corker


 As most of you know, I don’t generally care for whites, but this one is amazing! A beautiful bouquet; with banana, summer fruits, a hint of almond and almost butter or cream. (My underdeveloped palate only got the banana, but you have to start somewhere!)


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome is like the child who dosen't like vegtables until he grows them himself, eats them because he grew them, and now loves them...
    same with you and wine, not really liking a white wine until the work of bottling it led you to enjoy the fruits of your labor...vino is good in any color...
